Flourless Chocolate Cake

August 12, 2021

  • 1 cup butter, cut into pieces
  • 8 oz semi sweet chocolate chips (~1.5 cups)
  • 1.25 cups sugar
  • 1 cup sifted unsweeted cocoa powder
  • 6 large eggs

Preheat oven to 350. Butter a 10-inch springform pan, lining bottom with wax paper.

Stir butter and chocolate in a heavy sauce pan over low heat until melted. Or use a double boiler.

Mix sugar and cocoa in a separate bowl.

Add eggs to sugar mixture and whisk until blended.

Whisk the melted chocolate into sugar egg mixture

Pour into the prepared pan

Bake until a toothpick comes out clean - at least 45 minutes

Cool cake on a rack completely. Run a knife around the perimeter to loosen the sides, then release the pan.

Make day ahead and store in the refrigerator.

Top with powedered sugar and raspberries